
The Ballerina Birthday is an event service based in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in children's parties for young movers who love to dance, prance, and whirl! We believe that celebrating is best done in a tutu and that shared giggles are the best presents!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Funnies: Ballet Cards

I find a lot of things funny.  I think when you're in the profession of working with children, a sense of humor is not only vital, but necessary.  I know I'm extremely lucky to have a job that makes me laugh a lot, and usually the laughter is induced from my littlest students; they are so carefree, fearless and have a knack for hitting the funny on the head that I just can help but laugh at them and with them.  Seeing the world through their perspective is eye-opening and reminds me how very amazing the world is, and how special each day we get to live it it is.  
Wow, sorry for the mush, I didn't start this post with the intention of getting all warm and fuzzy on you!  I meant to just point out that I love funny things and that I'm going to be posting blogs about "Funnies" - quotes from my students, ballet/dance jokes, videos, etc.  So keep your eyes peeled!
Here is the first of what I hope to be many Funnies: some fantastic ballet cards that I randomly came across at CVS a few weeks ago.  Now keep in mind this is adult humor, or at least the adults will appreciate this humor more so than the kids.  
I was going to be lunching with two of my good friends Sarah and Megan for Megan's birthday, and was in search of a good card to strike just the right cord.  (Megan and I grew up dancing together, and Sarah, unfortunately for her, was dragged along to most of our student recitals and performances.  While Megan and I were prancing around in tutus, Sarah was in the audience lovingly rolling her eyes at us, unable to understand what all the fuss was about).  Enter this first card, which is just too perfect for Sarah.

I believe the inside sentiment was something along the lines of "Celebrate in your own special way. Happy Birthday".  I had to make it an UnBirthday card though and keep on my search for Megan's card, since she was the one with the birthday.  Enter card #2, also too perfect, for Megan, who has been dancing for years and appreciates the finer (and sometimes flamboyant) subtleties of the dance world.

Sorry for the fuzz!
"Your birthday makes Paco want to dance! Will you join
Paco in the dancing? Even if you will not -
Paco . . . must . . . dance!

This card really doesn't need any further explanation.  For anyone who's spent some time in DanceLand, you know why this is so great.  I actually snorted aloud when I read this in the store.  Megan had the same reaction, and Sarah giggled for a good while at hers, so it was a successful birthday card trip!  Enjoy the Funny!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tickets, Tickets Please! Ballerina Ticket Invites!

The crafters at Etsy have my undying appreciation and marvel.  I found these creative party invitations in the form of a ballet ticket and love them!  As a bit of a hoarder when it comes to keeping my performance ticket stubs (check out my ongoing framed ticket collage project here), I think this is an absolutely adorable way to announce a ballet themed party to guests.  Of course this could be a great DIY project, perfectly customizable if you wanted to use different colors, pictures and fonts.  Although I have to say I'm digging the vintage feel of the Esty tickets.  Additionally, what a great keepsake!  Not only for the hosts to remember the special day, but for guests as well.  Add a few fun pictures from the day and a cute frame and voila!  Memories made and packaged nicely to remember the special friends and fun of the day!  In search of additional ballet themed invites or party decor?  Here's a past blog on just that subject.  Happy planning!

Monday, July 9, 2012

An Angelina Ballerina Birthday Party!

A few weeks ago I had the privilege to help host a Ballerina Birthday for Lovelle, an aspiring and precocious turning 5 year old, who's love for Angelina Ballerina shaped the theme and setting for her birthday.  
Angelina was everywhere to be found in Lovelle's house, and the pink and white colors gave everything from the cake to the decorations to the table setting a fantastic balletic feel.  Guests gathered around as we read the first and most classic Angelina Ballerina book by Kathrine Holabird.  We skipped through pansies, leapt through flower beds, and practiced our curtsies as Angelina does.  Lovelle and her guests were adorable in their tutus (some brought their own dress up items and others were borrowed from The Ballerina Birthday's Tutu Tower).  They were all lovely twirling and galloping around the room.

Guests gather around the crown craft!
Our craft for the day was a princess crown, colored, bejeweled and sticker-ed to perfection, and we closed up the afternoon with performances by The Ballerina Birthday staff.
Jr. Ballerina Birthday staff members dressed and ready to go!

Deep in concentration...

I hope Lovelle had a wonderful birthday and the year ahead of her is filled with dance and magic.  Angelina Ballerina is one of my favorite stories to do at parties; she's a wonderful character with lots of spunk.  I'm teaching a few Angelina Ballerina summer dance camps in Sonoma next month (check out more info here) and am getting excited to dive into a summer of dance with Angelina and friends!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ballet TV: Breaking Pointe

I'm sure many of you have seen or heard of the new TV series currently spotlighting ballet.  One is Breaking Pointe, a behind the scenes look at Ballet West in Salt Lake City, airing on the CW Network. Another is Bunheads, an ABC Family fictional series that follows the lives of a few young aspiring dancers in a small town and their new teacher, played by Sutton Foster.
I've been meaning to blog about these series, but honestly I've been a bit hesitant because #1 I don't have a firm opinion on either of the shows in regards to either their accurateness portraying the dance world or if they're actually entertaining, #2 I'm always a little wary to contribute to the media's portrayal of anything 'ballet'; I tend to find it commercialized and disappointing, and finally #3 I just haven't had the time to watch either of the shows! (on my summer to do list)!
So, all that being said and all that rolling around in my brain the past few weeks I was glad to stumble across a great blog discussing these very issues by my friend Vinnie Prisby, a dancer based out of Salt Lake.  Check out Vinnie's article here; her blog reviews an article in Huffington Post that interviews dancer Allison DeBona of Ballet West, who is one of the dancers filmed and followed in Breaking Pointe.  I think both Vinnie and the Huffington Post article have some interesting points to make and wanted to share it and hear any thoughts you might have.  I do plan on watching the show and contributing a more detailed blog with thoughts and opinions, but I'm always curious to hear what other people have to say, so please feel free to e-mail me!
Below are a few pictures and quotes from the Huffington Post article, for the full article click here.  For more information on Ballet West check out their website.

As ballerinas we are taught to make our art form look effortless, which, in my opinion makes ballet seem unattainable. When watching Breaking Pointe the general public gets to see how hard it really is for ballet dancers and humanizes what we do day to day. That alone makes ballet more appealing because people can relate to the "blood, sweat and tears" shed. It makes them want to see us live, which is our ultimate goal.
- Allison DeBona