
The Ballerina Birthday is an event service based in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in children's parties for young movers who love to dance, prance, and whirl! We believe that celebrating is best done in a tutu and that shared giggles are the best presents!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Funnies: Ballet Cards

I find a lot of things funny.  I think when you're in the profession of working with children, a sense of humor is not only vital, but necessary.  I know I'm extremely lucky to have a job that makes me laugh a lot, and usually the laughter is induced from my littlest students; they are so carefree, fearless and have a knack for hitting the funny on the head that I just can help but laugh at them and with them.  Seeing the world through their perspective is eye-opening and reminds me how very amazing the world is, and how special each day we get to live it it is.  
Wow, sorry for the mush, I didn't start this post with the intention of getting all warm and fuzzy on you!  I meant to just point out that I love funny things and that I'm going to be posting blogs about "Funnies" - quotes from my students, ballet/dance jokes, videos, etc.  So keep your eyes peeled!
Here is the first of what I hope to be many Funnies: some fantastic ballet cards that I randomly came across at CVS a few weeks ago.  Now keep in mind this is adult humor, or at least the adults will appreciate this humor more so than the kids.  
I was going to be lunching with two of my good friends Sarah and Megan for Megan's birthday, and was in search of a good card to strike just the right cord.  (Megan and I grew up dancing together, and Sarah, unfortunately for her, was dragged along to most of our student recitals and performances.  While Megan and I were prancing around in tutus, Sarah was in the audience lovingly rolling her eyes at us, unable to understand what all the fuss was about).  Enter this first card, which is just too perfect for Sarah.

I believe the inside sentiment was something along the lines of "Celebrate in your own special way. Happy Birthday".  I had to make it an UnBirthday card though and keep on my search for Megan's card, since she was the one with the birthday.  Enter card #2, also too perfect, for Megan, who has been dancing for years and appreciates the finer (and sometimes flamboyant) subtleties of the dance world.

Sorry for the fuzz!
"Your birthday makes Paco want to dance! Will you join
Paco in the dancing? Even if you will not -
Paco . . . must . . . dance!

This card really doesn't need any further explanation.  For anyone who's spent some time in DanceLand, you know why this is so great.  I actually snorted aloud when I read this in the store.  Megan had the same reaction, and Sarah giggled for a good while at hers, so it was a successful birthday card trip!  Enjoy the Funny!

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