
The Ballerina Birthday is an event service based in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in children's parties for young movers who love to dance, prance, and whirl! We believe that celebrating is best done in a tutu and that shared giggles are the best presents!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy 100 Ballerina Birthday!

It's our 100th blog!  Looking back over our past blogs, all the parties, tutus, and glitter and giggles that are found here give me the warm and fuzzies; I just love sharing my love of dance with my students, party clients and you readers, and I'm so glad to have a platform to reach out to all you fellow dance and balletomanes!
So, I figured any milestone deserves a treat, and in this case, I've chosen a cupcake - that is Cupcakes and Conversation via the lovely Ballet News site.  And this is an extra special Cupcakes and Conversation; the interview is with the inspiring Gillian Murphy, currently a guest artist with the Royal New Zealand Ballet and Principal with American Ballet Theatre.  The Cupcakes and Conversation series that Ballet News does is always a wonderful look inside the many artists and companies that contribute amazing things worldwide to the art of dance, and this interview with Ms. Murphy is just delicious.  Below are a few excerpts of the interview - read the full version here.  Enjoy the beautiful photography and interview, and cheers to our 100 posts!

Why ballet ?
“If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.” That’s the motto plastered across Harley Davidson shirts around the world regarding why people drive motorcycles. In this case, I imagine anyone reading Cupcakes and Conversation gets it. Ballet is a universal language full of incredible grace, athleticism, and artistry. To be a ballet dancer is a privilege, and to dance is to be exhilarated by the joys of movement. It sounds over-the-top, but the feeling of dancing is larger than life. Ballet is my favorite form of expression, and I love that it is a constant balancing act between control and abandon.
Qi Huan and Gillian Murphy - Photograph by Evan Li

How do you prepare your pointe shoes ?
I sew ribbons and criss-crossed elastic to my Gaynor Mindens, and then I’m ready to go!  They don’t need to be broken in, and they last quite a while, so I like to wear a new or fairly new pair for performances (so they are nice and clean), and then I’ll continue to wear that pair either for other performances or throughout the rehearsal process.
Gillian Murphy - Photograph by Rosalie O'Connor

Who inspired you to dance ?
I always loved to dance, but seeing videos of many great ballerinas as a young kid inspired me further. Also, I was truly fortunate to have such a supportive family that allowed me to leave home when I was fourteen in order to pursue dance as a potential career.
What is your best piece of advice ?
Get the best training that you can, and also develop your awareness and perspective outside of the studio. Aside from giving you personal fulfillment, your growth as a person will feed your artistry as a dancer so that you can use the structured language of ballet to express the passion and texture of music and your emotions as an individual and/or character.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall for Organization (Ballet Style)!

It's really starting to feel like fall.  Being a Californian, I probably have no real sense of "fall", but by Western standards, it's getting cooler in the mornings and evenings, and a few leaves are starting to whirl around by the occasional blustery wind.  Fall reminds me of many things: back to school, holiday preparations (including The Nutcracker), soups and warm foods, scarves and new shoes.  If you're anything like me, you might have a strong (ok, slightly obsessive) organizational bone in you around the fall season as well.  Maybe it's the influx of activities, projects and holidays on the horizon, but this time of year tends to kick me into organizational mode.  Here are some crafty ballet inspired items to keep you on track, or give you some gift ideas!

Calendars are always a great gift idea, and are easy to find this time of year!  A quick Google search will land you with plenty of options, and customization is easy these days with sites like Zazzle and Shutterfly.  You may even be able to find some vintage options, which I always love.  Nothing like a great old black and white of Fonteyn and Nureyev to get my nostalgia flowing.

Love the two above ideas for organizing a work/study space (thanks Pinterest)!  Cover the drawers and old cans with wrapping paper of your choice (there are many ballet and ballerina paper wrappings out there!) and voila! A dressed up and pretty container for all your papers, pens and accoutrements!  (Another idea: get the kiddos in on it and use butcher paper.  Let them go at it coloring and decorating the paper and they'll be able to see their own creations as the decoration).  Happy Fall, and Happy Organizing Ballet Lovers!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Theme It Up: Party Theme Ideas

I distinctly remember having a Princess Party for my 6th birthday.  My mom made me a fantastically frouffy pink dress, complete with taffeta, pick ups, and pouffy sleeves.  (At least in my mind that's how I remember it, I should look back at those pictures to see if reality matches what's in my mind's eye at all).  My friends dressed up in their finest as well.  I think Megan (fellow balletomane from a young age) had a crown and Sarah (of the afore-blogged Funnies card post) wore Pretty Pretty Princess necklaces and rings.  There's not a doubt in my mind that dressing our best at a young age set up us for success and generally being the fabulous people that we are today.
So, it's really no surprise that themed kids parties are the subject of many a magazine, Pinterest, online articles, etc.  Children love telling you about their favorite things, and once they've found something that makes their little eyes sparkle and you can practically see the excitement ooze out of their ears, they'll waste no time in telling you about it.  ALL about it.  Like for a whole car ride to the supermarket.  And then again in the supermarket.  And on the way home.  : ) But I completely get it; the things that excite and inspire us should get us worked up!  Kids are wonderful at understanding this.  One of the great things about The Ballerina Birthday is that the themes we offer are springboards to help create a wonderfully unique and fun party; so while Ballerina, Fairy and Princess are some of the most common themes that are requested, they're really just a jumping off point to get the imaginative juices flowing!  Here are some examples and ideas of things to consider when choosing a theme:

  • Use a favorite book.  Angelina Ballerina is a favorite, and there's TONS of great and accessible accessories to use.  Pinkalicious and her books are another fun one.  Or, go for a classic like Madeline or Alice in Wonderland.  Incorporate boys as well with stories that both boys and girls like: Where the Wild Things Are, The Hungry Caterpillar, and any Dr. Seuss book.
Angelina Ballerina cookies!

Love this cake by Bunny Cakes!

  • Use the everyday. Children have wide and varied tastes.  Is there a favorite poem or work of art hanging in their bedroom they can't get enough of?  Maybe a song they love to sing?  Currently I'm using "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music in some of my classes.  We tap our toes like raindrops, pretend to grow and bloom like roses, and stretch like kittens (Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens....).  So many elements that could turn into great party ideas... rose cupcakes, face painting whiskers on little faces!
Great idea for a funny/silly themed party.  Have silly dress up
items and a picture station for kids and try serving cupcakes with
silly faces!

  • Take inspiration from the past.  I once did a Beach theme party; the family had recently taken a vacation to a beach town and spent a few days at the many beaches the area offered.  Their daughter couldn't get enough of the beach and wouldn't stop talking about it once they got home.  The mom made a lobster shaped cake, decorated tables with fun and colorful beach pails and toys, and the kids and I pretended to be mermaids, seaweed, pirates and ships!

For a beach or summer themed party popsicles are a great
alternative to cake.  And they're so refreshing!

The sky is the limit!  And if you get stuck or just can't seem to nail down the perfect theme, ask your little one.  I find that they are fountains of knowledge and are only too happy to share their thoughts and desires with you!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dance on Pinterest

Ok, I know I'm a little late on the bandwagon here, but I just joined Pinterest, and of course, I love it!  I never thought I wouldn't, and my tardiness isn't due to lack of interest or realization that this is a fun, fun thing, more that I'm the type of girl who likes to watch and observe trends from the wings for a bit.  It might be silly, but I guess that's just how I roll when it comes to things like this.
For months now I've observed and enjoyed seeing what my friends have been Pinning.  I've ooh-ed and ahh-ed at the beautiful photography and pretty fashions, giggled at the funny parodies and jokes and pondered the more serious and contemplative quotes and allegories.  And now, I've joined the masses!
Any of you who are dance lovers and have a Pinterest know there is a ton of dance stuff out there, and while I'm still exploring, I wanted to share some of my immediate favorites!

This totally reminds me of me!  Love the interaction going on here!

Also reminds me of teaching and working with my students.  I wonder
if she's a butterfly or a fairy?

Taptastic!  Crazy respect for the artist who had the patience to do this!

Totally wanting to show up to ballet class with this 'do!
I'm so excited to have a new project to work on! (And a little worried actually... taking bets on how many hours per week I can kill on Pinterest.  3...5... do I hear a 7?)  I'm still setting up my profile and getting the lay of Pinterest Land, but follow me!  http://www.pinterest.com/whirlsntwirls is where you can find me, looking forward to sharing all things dance!