
The Ballerina Birthday is an event service based in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in children's parties for young movers who love to dance, prance, and whirl! We believe that celebrating is best done in a tutu and that shared giggles are the best presents!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pretty Pretty Princess

You know how sometimes out of nowhere seeing something or someone will trigger a long forgotten memory and a wave of nostalgia and memories come rushing your way?  I had one of those moments yesterday when a brief conversation with an old time family friend reminded me of family gatherings of long ago.  Summer and fall days spent in a cabin surrounded by trees, creeks and wonderful California nature, bunkbeds, my mom's home cooking, and board games to pass the rainy days with.
I realize that nowadays board games are something of an antique.  Wii's and Playstations are more de rigueur, but there's something about gathering friends and family around a board game that that just brings a smile to my face.  One such game that I have fond memories of is Pretty Pretty Princess.  I have to say that I was quite the pretty pretty princess in my day, so this game was right up my alley.  The simple rules allow players to move ahead spaces and take necklaces, rings and eventually (if you're lucky) a crown to advance on your journey and win the game.  This old school video sums it up pretty perfectly (enjoy the throwback to the early 90's TV ads)...

After doing a bit of research, it looks like Hasbro has updated the look of the game (here's the link on Amazon), which I think is fantastic, considering it's a perfect game for all aspiring princesses, ballerinas, fairies, etc... In fact, I might just get myself a new game and put it in my arsenal of games to play during Ballerina Birthdays!  (Just in case you're wondering Pin the Tutu on the Ballerina is another personal favorite).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ballerina Tea

Well with Valentine's Day over and March around the corner, I'm itching for spring.  The Bay Area hills have started to turn green and I see buds persistently trying to poke out, the signs of spring are beginning and I love it!  I have a few spring Ballerina Birthday parties coming up which I'm really looking forward to, and in anticipation and celebration of spring I've been searching for inspirations and fun new ideas.  I suppose tea isn't a specifically spring thing, but it does conjure images for me of lounging outside among green grass, flowers and roses with something to sip and enjoying the sunshine after a cold winter.  I've always been a fan of tea: iced, hot, pots of, and parties!  I remember my mom teaching me about English tea traditions, reading about the history of tea, and visiting several beautiful tea houses with her.  (Camilla Tea Room in Benicia has always been one of our favorites).  Although I don't think of tea as a specifically girly thing, tea parties do bring to mind visions of small tea cups and saucers, mini sandwiches and scones, and little girls giggling over petite treats.
I found the blog 'Stylish Children's Parties' and a submission by Melissa on a beautifully done ballerina tea party.  It looks like the epitome of imagination, fun and little girl delight.  I suggest you check out the blog here, and I've included some of the beautiful photos as well.  This party definitely provides some wonderful inspiration; now in addition to itching for spring to come I'm itching for a ballerina tea party!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentines Pas de Deux

Happy [belated] Valentine's Day!  Thought I'd share this beautiful pas de deux by the Joffrey Ballet.  (Remember from the ballet vocab post what pas de deux means?!  It's ok if not, you can refresh your memory here).  Happy Friday and enjoy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ballerina Valentines

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day!  Or, as my students like to call it 'Valentime's Day', which when you think about it, is appropriate and logical... it's time for Valentine's, hence... Valentime's.  : )  The cute packaged Valentine cards are all on the shelves, along with themed stickers, singing cards, and conversation hearts, and all these are fun, but I do like a little bit of a personal and homemade touch, so I was inspired this week to make a few DIY Valentines for a few of my students.  I had some leftover scrapbook paper from my New Year's Resolution craft (click here for the link to that post), and I wouldn't be much of a ballet teacher if I didn't have ballerina stickers on hand, so armed with those items and a bit of creativity I made these two ballerina valentines.  They were super simple to make and I think they turned out pretty cute!  So if you're looking for some inspiration and/or something new and fun to do for the upcoming V-day, rummage around in your craft supplies (or just pop over to Target or Rite Aid) and you'll have some sweet notes in no time that any ballerina (aspiring, former, or enthusiast) would be head over heels to receive.  Happy Hearts Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sonoma Ballet Conservatory's The Snow Maiden

I've been working with Sonoma Ballet Conservatory for almost four months now, and have been impressed with their lovely dancers and fellow staff members and Artistic Director and Owner Patricia O'Reilly.  This weekend the school will perform The Snow Maiden, a traditional Russian folk tale with all the makings of a fantastic ballet: romance, magic, some humor, and good music.  In addition to being a ballet, The Snow Maiden has also been performed as a play and opera, first appearing in 1873 and underwent several revisions and there are still slight differences in plot and characters between the opera, play, and ballet.  Here is the version that Sonoma Ballet Conservatory will be performing this weekend:

There is a legend that says if you build a beautiful snow girl and wish hard enough,
 the Snow Queen will bring her to life.

In a little village in long ago Russia, a childless Old Woman and her spirit, The Domovoi, build a beautiful snow girl every year in the hopes that it will come to life as a Snow Maiden.  One year, during a skating party, a Gypsy Fortune-Teller comes to the village and reads in the Old Woman’s palm that her daughter will meet her future husband that night.  Everyone is upset that the Gypsy is so cruel, and they chase her out of town.  The Domovoi uses its magic to call upon the Snow Queen, who transforms the snow girl into a Snow Maiden.  The  Snow Maiden is warned that if the warmth of love should touch her heart, she will melt and return to the Land Of Snow forever.  The Snow Maiden’s eyes briefly meet those of Lel, the handsome shepherd, as the Old Woman guides her into the hut.

By Spring, the Snow Maiden has made many friends.  The 4 naughty older daughters of the Boyaress entice Lel and the Snow Maiden into dancing together.  He professes his love for the Snow Maiden, and she returns his affection.  But, as warned, the Snow Maiden melts and sadly returns to the Land Of Snow.  The village is despondent, but The Domovoi calls upon the 4 Winds to help Lel rescue the Snow Maiden.  The brassy West Wind appears first and gives Lel a magic axe that will defeat all enemies.  The elegant South Wind brings wine that will warm the coldest heart.  The playful East Wind brings a feather from the Firebird.  The remote North Wind brings a necklace of pearls that will keep the Snow Maiden cool forever and takes Lel to the Land Of Snow.

The Snow Maiden is presented to the court of the Snow Queen.  She is welcomed by the Frost Fairy, the Ice Princess, the Snow Flakes, the Snow Balls, the Icicles, the Ice Crystals and Mama Winter with her Snow Drops.  But even the antics of the Snow Man and Little Jack Frost can’t bring a smile to her face.  When Lel appears, he defeats the Snow Guards with the magic axe and warms the Snow Queen’s heart with the magic wine.  He puts the magic necklace around the Snow Maiden’s neck and uses the feather to call the Firebird.  The Firebird takes them back to the village where the Old Woman and The Domovoi are overjoyed to see them.  Everyone celebrates the love of Lel for his Snow Maiden.

The performances are Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th at 1:00 p.m. at the historic Sebastiani Theatre in downtown Sonoma.  Tickets are $22 for adults and $17 for children and seniors.  Here is the theatre's website,  buy tickets online or at the door!  Check out Sonoma Ballet Conservatory's website here, or their Facebook page here.